Prepare for birth, heal diastasis recti, pelvic floor issues, build strength postpartum or work with me to customize classes that fit into your busy schedule. I offer private classes, group courses and free resources to support your journey.

Welcome, I’m Cassie!

I teach yoga + pilates classes that combine strength training and restorative practices like meditation, for a balanced practice that will leave you feeling stronger and less reactive. I believe that this holistic approach to fitness is the key to both feeling and looking your best.

As a mom, I know how challenging it can be to feel like you don’t have the time or energy to workout. I also know how much better I feel when I do. This is why I am passionate about supporting moms with effective and efficient movement that reconnects you with your body. That reminds you that you are already whole. Classes that give you the energy and strength to chase around a toddler and the grace to meet life’s demands with a tender heart.

“When you work better, so does everything else”

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Momming is..

This is my 2nd Mother’s Day. I’m beyond grateful for this gift. I don’t take it for granted how lucky I am to both be a mom and have my mom in my life. I also know how hard this day can be for some. How long it might have taken you to get here…


Rib Pain Postpartum: How pregnancy changes your rib cage

Your body goes through so many changes during pregnancy! It is truly miraculous how our bodies transform. Whether this is your first pregnancy or your fifth, new sensations can arise after birth that might surprise you like rib pain postpartum. This might feel like a muscle pull, pain in your lower ribs, chest pain or…


Postpartum Back Pain: The steps I took to get relief

Having a baby or being pregnant can be the perfect storm for back pain 😖 You are exhausted, your joints and ligaments are less stable, and you’re likely hunched over in awkward positions more than you’d like to be. Your abdominal muscles have been stretched out to accommodate your growing baby and this can lead…