Hi, I’m Cassie!

My baby girl, Anika, came swopping into this world- almost quite literately after a 4-hour unmedicated birth. (We saw Top Gun: Maverick the night before so I suspect that he inspired her)

I loved my baby girl more than life but, wow, did it challenge me physically and mentally. Changing hormones, sleep deprivation and having this brand new life to care for made me realize how important movement and nutrition were.

The thing was, when did I have time to workout?!

Or rather, when I thought about the time it would take me to travel to a studio, having to pump a bottle of milk or worrying about rushing back to a hangry baby, it wasn’t worth it to me.

Plus, did I mention I was EXHAUSTED?

At home workouts that combined strength and restorative practices like meditation and self-massage changed everything for me.

I was able to get this time in during her naps (even when they were a 30 minute cat-nap) or while she played near by.

I started to have more energy, my back didn’t hurt, I felt less anxious, I didn’t snap as easily and I didn’t pee myself when I sneezed.

Learning to tune in to my hormones, what kind of night I had and other stressors in my life helped me to adjust my workouts accordingly. This has been key to my own consistency and progress.

I want this for you too.


I am on a mission to help every mom feel like the goddess that she is.

Classes are designed for the season of motherhood that you are in. I teach you the tools to have an empowered birth, heal and strengthen postpartum, connect with your core and feel in tune with your body.

Ready to feel and look your best?

Cassie has so much knowledge and is so motivating. She made me feel like I could really get back to where I was and helped me regain confidence in myself but also not be hard on myself in this new chapter in my life. She is full of grace and kindness and I could not be more thankful for everything she did for me. I highly recommend her for anyone who just had a baby and wants to get back to feeling good physically and mentally. 

Christina G.


  • 200-Hr Yoga Teacher Training (E-RYT)
  • 85- Hr Prenatal Yoga Training (Prenatal Plus)
  • Pre & Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist (PCES with Sarah Duvall)
  • Advanced Mat Pilates Teacher (Classical Pilates Education)
  • Restorative Yoga: The Art of Stillness
  • 10+ teaching more than 3,000 classes, workshops and trainings

Stay in the Know! Classes, tips and resources for pregnancy, birth and motherhood.